
We Work For Sustainable And Environment Friendly world.


Coir The Golden-Fiber - Alternative for Sustainable World

Sustainability is becoming an inexorably significant attribute of numerous organizations in light of the critical environment and climatic challenges presently being confronted. India is the home of coir, where coir weaving began creating in 1859 in Alleppey, from where it spread its branches. The coconut fibre removed from the husk of coconuts is one of the hardest filaments and is considerably more worthwhile in various applications like soil erosion control, support and stabilization of soil, and more preferred alternatives. 

The coconut husk collected from the farms is first fed in to the disintegrator where itis crushed. The crushed husk is soaked in water for one Week. The soaked material in fed into the decorticator to separate fibre and pith. The fibre is dried in the sunlight and is pressed in the form of 50-Kg bundles by using balling press. The bales are sold to the coir products manufactures


Globalization for this business.

There are 25 active coir units in the organized sector and around 100 household enterprises in the unorganized sector are involved in coir activity. The units produce coir fibre, yarn, rope, coir pith manure, pith blocks and garden articles. Coir pith is obtained during the extraction of coir fibre from husk. A multi-utility product, coir pith has a high lignin (31 per cent) and cellulose (27 per cent) and a carbon-nitrogen ratio of 104:1. It can absorb water 5-6 times of its weight and store it for 25-40 days. When dried, it is used in making bricks, which are used extensively in horticulture for its water storage properties. This system of providing moisture to plants though coir bricks is widely practised in countries like the US, UK, the Netherlands, Korea, Japan and the Gulf. As there are large number of nurseries and also demand for exports, many entrepreneurs are now showing interest to join this business.


produce coir pith compost manure in large quantities

The proposed Kadiyapulanka coir cluster proposes to produce coir pith compost manure in large quantities keeping in mine business opportunities from these nurseries and also add other products like garden articles and pith blocks keeping in mind export potential for coir products. There is very good scope to market their products through local nurseries and networking with buyers who visit this place regularly may help to increase their sales considerably.

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